Saturday, June 26, 2004

Freedom of speech

So I only started this blog in order to be able to 'log in' on other people's blogs. But I'm thinking I may enjoy having a place to vent. I don't really intend to tell any of my friends about it, so I should be able to write any old thing I want without repercussions. Typing in this blog is faster than handwriting in a journal, and since my hard copy journals have been compromised in the past, I'm thinking that maybe I should hide my thoughts in plain sight. Whaddya think?


Josh said...

But just think about all the random internet people that will surely see!

JunieGirl said...

Yeah, but they don't know me, so exactly how much do I care? And since I don't know them, I can't possibly be talking about them, so they'll quickly lose interest. At least, most people lose interest quickly if they aren't the topic of conversation.