Wednesday, September 11, 2019

I am not the person I used to be

There was a time when my days made sense. The ebb and flow was as steady as the tide. I knew my role, I knew what was expected of me, and I flowed easily between work and leisure, duty and pleasure. The days now are disjointed, requiring more than I have to give. I jerk and stutter between roles, and have had to step into new roles where I have no skill.

There was a time when my nights made sense. The dark was peaceful, the bed beckoned me to its embrace. Now the night is fearful, full of unknowns and terrors. I do not look forward to repose, as tears dampen the pillow night after night.

There was a girl who was carefree. She was loved, and she loved. Now she is alone, facing the once anticipated future with dread and disinterest.

I am not the person I used to be. Death took the light away, and the grey remnants hang in tatters of what was once a beautiful tapestry.

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